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Saving Your Skin From The Brutal Winter

We’re a month into winter, and everyone is already sick of it. Huge snowfalls, below freezing, even below zero temperatures, and “bomb cyclones”, everyone has been suffering, but mostly your sky. Dry, cracked, peeling skin is not something that you have to live with this winter. Follow these tips, and your skin will looks as good as it does in spring.

1. Moisturizer is your Best Friend

Our skin is going through a lot this winter, and with the freezing temperatures outside, and the heat on full blast inside, your skin is losing all moisture. Be sure to use a moisturizer at night before bed, and at any point during the day when your skin feels especially dry. Make sure to focus on elbows, hands, feet, and knees since skin is thinner there.

2. Exfoliation is the Key

With your dead skin piling up, moisturizing becomes pointless if it can’t penetrate the layer of dead skin. So do some gentle exfoliation, with a sugar scrub, you can moisturize and exfoliate all at once. Make sure to also use a nice lip scrub, and get all of the chapped old skin off of your lips.

3. Speaking of Lips...

Always make sure you have chapstick on hand. With the brutal cold winds, you may be tempted to lick your lips when you’re in a rush to dry to preserve the moisture and prevent them from drying out. But this is the worst thing you can do. Saliva drys out your lips so much, it’s best to make sure you always have some chapstick on hand to prevent these occurrences.

4. Treat Yourself

About once a week or so, take a night for yourself, and use some face masks. Opt for the ultra-hydrating ones that’ll leave your skin feeling soft and not dried out.

5. Clean out your Cleansers

Many people use cleansers containing glycolic or salicylic acid, which may be good to control oil in summer, but they dry out skin in winter. So switch them out for something with some more hydrating properties, and use a hydrating toner and moisturizer after to really lock it in.

6. Humidify Me

With the heat in your home on full blast, the air becomes extremely dry, and you start to miss the humid air of summer. Fix this by buying a humidifier and keep it running mostly through the night to save your skin from drying gout in your own home.

7. The Sun Exists Still

And finally, a concern you usually save for the summer: the sun. Most people don’t even think about the damage the sun could do to their skin in the winter, thinking that since they barely see it, it can’t do any harm. Make sure that before you leave the house in the morning, you put on a moisturizer or lotion with some sunscreen in it to protect your precious face from the brutal rays.

These are just some tips to follow this winter to protect yourself and make sure your skin isn’t flaky as a roll on Thanksgiving. Subscribe for more tips and advice, and be sure to check out our various products, many of which will be sure to treat your skin this winter. ScheduleSchedule

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